Guía docente de Dirección Estratégica (MA9/56/6/32)

Curso 2024/2025
Fecha de aprobación por la Comisión Académica 19/07/2024


Máster Doble: Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos + Máster Universitario en Economía / Economics


Asignaturas del Máster Economía/Economics


Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Centro Responsable del título

International School for Postgraduate Studies







Tipo de enseñanza



  • Araceli María Rojo Gallego-Burin
  • Bert Wolfgang Einchhorn


Araceli María Rojo Gallego-Burin

  • Tutorías 1º semestre
    • Martes 16:30 a 20:30 (Rel. Laborales Desp 8)
    • Jueves 12:30 a 14:30 (Empresariales Desp. A205)
  • Tutorías 2º semestre
    • Viernes 9:00 a 15:00 (Empresariales Desp. A205)

Breve descripción de contenidos (Según memoria de verificación del Máster)

  • Foundations of the Strategic Management of the Company in the processes of strategic analysis, formulation and implementation of the strategy.
  • Different strategic options that make up the reality of the current company.
  • Show students different lines of research in the area of strategic company management.

Prerrequisitos y/o Recomendaciones

Basic knowledge and skills in Management


Competencias Básicas

  • CB6. Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación.
  • CB7. Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio.
  • CB8. Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios.
  • CB9. Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones y los conocimientos y razones últimas que las sustentan a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades.
  • CB10. Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo.

Resultados de aprendizaje (Objetivos)

Student will know/understand:

  •  Acquire bibliographical information on the current state of business research
  • Understand the relevant existing theories, tendencies and debates 
  • Apply and extend existing theories to solve real problems 
  • Formulate and answer questions in a way applicable to business strategies 
  • Plan and organize business diagnostic studies
  • Assist as support staff in consulting projects 
  • Draw up scientific articles
  • Draw up consulting reports adapted to their possible users 

Student will be able to:

  • Acquire bibliographic information on the current state of business research.
  • Apply and extend existing theories to solve real problems.
  • Plan and organize empirical studies.
  • Give solutions to technical and related practical issues.


Programa de contenidos Teóricos y Prácticos


PART 1: Main Theories on Management and Strategic Management

  • Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
  • Chapter 2: The external environment: industry competition and competitor analysis

PART 2: Resource and Capabilities Theory

  • Chapter 3: The internal organization: resources, capabilities, core competences and competitive advantages.
  • Chapter 4: Knowledge Management, R&C Theory and Smart contracts
  • Chapter 5: Research lines on R&C Theory.

PART 3: Types of strategies

PART 4: Vision and mission analysis

PART 5: Strategy generation, selection, implementation and execution


PART 6: Application of Theories to real problems: cases study


Bibliografía fundamental

  • Grant, R. and Jordan, J. (2015): “Foundations of Strategy”. 2nd Edition. Ed. Wiley: Wst Sussex, United Kingdom.
  • David, F. and David, F.R. (2017): “Strategic Management: A competitive advantage approach, concepts and cases”. 16th Edition. Ed. Pearson: Essex: England.
  • Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson (2011): “Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization- Concepts and Cases, 11th Edition, Ed. Cengage Learning.
  • Navas-López, J.E. and Guerras-Martín (2018): Fundamentals of Strategic Management, 2nd Ed. Thomson- Reuters

Bibliografía complementaria


  • Alavi, M. Leidner, D.E. (2001): “ Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 25, pp. 107-136.
  • Barney, J. (1991): “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantege”, Journal of Management, Vol. 17, pp. 99-120.
  • DiMaggio, P.J.; Powell, W.W. (1983): “The Iron Cage Revi sited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields”, Am erican Sociological Review, Vol 48, No. 2, pp. 147-160.
  • Eisenhardt, K.M.; Martin, J.A. (2000): “Dynamics Capabilities: What are They?”, Strategic Management Jo urnal, Vol. 21, pp. 1105, 1121.
  • Grant, R. and Jordan, J. (2015): “Foundations of Strategy”. 2nd Edition. Ed. Wiley: Wst Sussex, United Kingdom.
  • Schuhmann, R. ;Eichhorn, B. (Eds.)(2019): Contractual Management, Springer.
  • Williamson, O.E. (1973): “Markets and Hierarchies: Some Elementary Considerations”, American Economics Review, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 316-325.

Enlaces recomendados

Metodología docente

Evaluación (instrumentos de evaluación, criterios de evaluación y porcentaje sobre la calificación final.)

Evaluación Ordinaria

Article 17 of the UGR Assessment Policy and Regulations establishes that the ordinary assessment session (convocatoria ordinaria) will preferably be based on the continuous assessment of students, except for those who have been granted the right to a single final assessment (evaluación única final), which is an assessment method that only takes a final exam into account.

It will be conducted an ongoing evaluation of student training in order to assess (shown in parenthesis the weight of each item in the final assessment):

  • Active participation in discussion sessions and the degree of interest of the interventions: 20%: Class attending is computed as the percentage of the sessions the student assist (including seminars specific to this subject). Participation is measured by presentations of exercises, press article and answers to quiz during the classes.
  • The resolution of exercises and case studies raised: 50%
  • Final Exam: 30%


Evaluación Extraordinaria

Article 19 of the UGR Assessment Policy and Regulations establishes that students who have not passed a course in the ordinary assessment session (convocatoria ordinaria) will have access to an extraordinary assessment session (convocatoria extraordinaria). All students may take part in this extraordinary assessment session, regardless of whether or not they have followed continuous assessment activities. In this way, students who have not carried out continuous assessment activities will have the opportunity to obtain 100% of their mark by means of an exam and/or assignment.

Students who failed or did not attend classes should realize a final evaluation based on the same criteria:

• Written exam consisting in 10 shorts questions about the papers used during the classes (60%) 

• To solve a case study given by the professors about one topic related to the subject (40%) 

Date of the final evaluation and extraordinary call will be fixed, no longer than 2 weeks after the end of the lecture period, if necessary and, at least 15 days before the exam.

Evaluación única final

Article 8 of the UGR Assessment Policy and Regulations establishes that students who are unable to follow continuous assessment methods due to justifiable reasons shall have recourse to a single final assessment (evaluación única final). In order to opt for a single final assessment (evaluación única final), students must send a request, using the corresponding online procedure, to the coordinator of the master’s programme, in the first two weeks of the course or in the two weeks following their enrolment (if the enrolment has taken place after the classes have already begun). The coordinator will communicate this information to the relevant teaching staff members, citing and verifying the reasons why the student is unable to follow the continuous assessment system.

Students authorized to realize a unique final evaluation would be evaluated using the following criteria:

• Written exam consisting in 10 shorts questions about the papers used during the classes (60%) 

• To solve a case study given by the professors about one topic related to the subject (40%) 


Información adicional

INCLUSION and DIVERSITY. In the case of students with disabilities or other specific educational support needs (NEAE), the tutoring system will be adapted to these needs, following the recommendations of the inclusion area at the University of Granada. Departments and centers will establish appropriate measures to ensure that tutorials take place in accessible locations. Additionally, at the request of faculty, support can be requested from the competent unit at UGR for special methodological adaptations.